
UbufaransaUbufaransa. Yongeyeho ezi 9 ago. Yakiriwe 5196 ubutumwa.


Hitamo undi mubare 📱 Numero yihariye
Kohereza Inyandiko Yakiriwe
***3604 avalier. Begin, and shut away. The brightness of my ray.' 'Enough.' Our blower, on the bet, Swell'd out his pursy form With all the stuff for storm-- The aka 1 ago
***3604 does not like to soak To wear abroad a good thick cloak. Our man was therefore well bedight With double mantle, strong and tight. 'This fellow,' said the aka 1 ago
***3604 the sky. Come, here's a pleasant game, Sir Sun! Wilt play?' Said Phoebus, 'Done! We'll bet between us here Which first will take the gear From off this c aka 1 ago
***3604 e blast, His cloak the tighter held he fast. The sun broke out, to win the bet; He caused the clouds to disappear, Refresh'd and warm'd the cavalier, And aka 1 ago
***3604 thunder, hail, and drenching wet, And all the fury he could muster; Then, with a very demon's bluster, He whistled, whirl'd, and splash'd, And down the aka 1 ago
***3604 torrents dash'd, Full many a roof uptearing He never did before, Full many a vessel bearing To wreck upon the shore,-- And all to doff a single cloak. Bu aka 1 ago
***3604 through his mantle made him sweat, Till off it came, of course, In less than half an hour; And yet the sun saved half his power.-- So much doth mildness aka 1 ago
***3604 more than force. aka 1 ago
***3604 much pains about the polish Is apt the substance to abolish; Not that it would be right or wise The graces all to ostracize. You love them much when del aka 1 ago
***3604 face of vanity purblind With that of restless envy join'd; And life now turns upon these pivots two. Such is the silly little frog That aped the ox upon aka 1 ago
***3604 THE WOODMAN AND MERCURY.[1]To M. The Chevalier De Bouillon.[2] Your taste has served my work to guide; To gain its suffrage I have tried. You'd h aka 1 ago
***3604 icate; Nor is it left for me to hate. As to the scope of Aesop's plan,[3] I fail as little as I can. If this my rhymed and measured speech Availeth not aka 1 ago
***3604 ave me shun a care too nice, Or beauty at too dear a price, Or too much effort, as a vice. My taste with yours agrees: Such effort cannot please; And too aka 1 ago
***3604 her bog. A double image sometimes shows How vice and folly do oppose The ways of virtue and good sense; As lambs with wolves so grim and gaunt, The silly aka 1 ago
***3604 fly and frugal ant. Thus swells my work--a comedy immense-- Its acts unnumber'd and diverse, Its scene the boundless universe. Gods, men, and brutes, al aka 1 ago
***3604 to please or teach, I own it not a fault of mine; Some unknown reason I assign. With little strength endued For battles rough and rude, Or with Herculea aka 1 ago
***3604 n arm to smite, I show to vice its foolish plight. In this my talent wholly lies; Not that it does at all suffice. My fable sometimes brings to view The aka 1 ago
***3604 er, sent With gold and silver axes, went. Each would have thought himself a fool Not to have own'd the richest tool. But Mercury promptly gave, instead O aka 1 ago
***3604 answer'd, 'Nay.' An axe of silver, bright and gay, Refused the honest woodman too. At last the finder brought to view An axe of iron, steel, and wood. ' aka 1 ago
***3604 se cunning is but stupid, For Jove is never dupèd. aka 1 ago
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Urashaka umubare mushya wa temp? Sangira uru rubuga hanyuma utwandikire!