
PerancisPerancis. Ditambahkeun 9 months ago. Ditampi 5196 pesen.


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***3604 her share of fees dear, And took the part that pleased her. 'Twas in great Athens town, Such judgment gave the gown. And there the 1 year ago
***3604 ate Is duly cut in portions three. And in the first they all agree To put the feasting-lodges, plate, Luxurious cooling mug 1 year ago
***3604 to the widow's share, the counsel say, 'We hold it just the daughters each should pay One third to her upon demand, Should she not 1 year ago
***3604 serve it at a sign; In short, whatever, in a great house, There is of feasting apparatus. The second part is made Of what might he 1 year ago
***3604 lp the jilting trade-- The city house and furniture, Exquisite and genteel, be sure, The eunuchs, milliners, and laces, The jewels, s 1 year ago
***3604 public voice Applauded both the judgment and the choice. But Aesop well was satisfied The learned men had set aside, In judging thus 1 year ago
***3604 tarry, They all would seek, post haste, to marry; And, having each a splendid bait, Each soon would find a well-bred mate; And, leaving thus 1 year ago
***3604 ertook himself The task of portioning the pelf; And straightway gave each maid the part The least according to her heart-- The prim coq 1 year ago
***3604 n who proudly take their place As sages of the human race, Lack they the simple skill To settle such a will?' This said, he und 1 year ago
***3604 the testament, The very gist of its intent. 'The dead,' quoth he, 'could he but know of it, Would heap reproaches on such Attic wit. What! me 1 year ago
***3604 ; For thus, he said, 'an early date Would see the sisters alienate Their several shares of the estate. No motive now in maidenhood to 1 year ago
***3604 uette, the drinking stuff, The drinker, then, the farms and cattle; And on the miser, rude and rough, The robes and lace did Aesop settle 1 year ago
***3604 their father's goods intact, Would to their mother pay them all, in fact,'-- Which of the testament Was plainly the intent. The people, 1 year ago
***3604 beetle folks are only found Conceal'd and dormant under ground. 1 year ago
***3604 ut first, the beetle, interceding, cried, 'Great queen of birds, it cannot be denied, That, maugre my protection, you can bear My trembling gue 1 year ago
***3604 st, John Rabbit, through the air. But do not give me such affront, I pray; And since he craves your grace, In pity of his case, 1 year ago
***3604 ould be got, John Rabbit there was fain to squat. Of course, in an asylum so absurd, John felt ere long the talons of the bird. B 1 year ago
***3604 kill'd him. The beetle soon, of sweet revenge in quest, Flew to the old, gnarl'd mountain oak, Which proudly bore that haughty eagle's nest 1 year ago
***3604 ch'd her prey without reply, And as she flapp'd her vasty wings to fly, Struck down our orator and still'd him; The wonder is she hadn't 1 year ago
***3604 . And while the bird was gone, Her eggs, her cherish'd eggs, he broke, Not sparing one. Returning from her flight, the eagl 1 year ago
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